Mr Lynes Account about the Charge and Expence of keep-
ing Prisoners read and Sent down to the Lower house thus
Upper house 5th December 1688.
This house do wholly reject this Account save only what
therein Concerns the Indians for all the Prisoners were Obliged
to pay their own fees.
Signed per Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assembly.
John Pollards Petition read and rejected
Upper house 5th December 1688.
As to the Contract made with the Workmen and their
refuseing to perform the Same this house can only say that
they referr the whole matter to the Consideration of the Lower
house desiring them to take their own Measures in the
Signed pr Order Tho: Grunwin Cl of Assembly.
Upper house 5th December 1688.
This house think it very Convenient for the Province in
General that there be a Publick Ferry at Patuxent at the same
place it formerly was and desire the Lower house would Con-
curr with them for that Purpose.
Signed pr Order Thos Grunwin Cl of Assembly.
The said two Messages Mr Lynes Account Pollards Petition
and Account, the Act for Orphans Estates, Petition for a Town
at Glevens Point, another at Cackaway all Sent by Mr Clement
Hill to the Lower house he returns having delivered the Same
The house Adjourns till to Morrow Morning 8 a Clock.
The 6th Day of December 1688
The house sat again
William Joseph Esqr
Coll Henry Darnall
Clement Hill Esqr
Mr Jones and Mr Stone from the Lower house and bring
the Petition about Vanhecks Daughter.
The Petition of Best and Gideon Gambell for Allowance of
an Account for being Witness against Spernon
William Gwythers Petition for Attendance and Expences
23 Days — The Petition of William Peirce Sheriff of Cecil
County for Allowance for loosing his Vessel last Provincial