morrow Two a Clock in the afternoon to hear the Matter
about Greivances and have Signified to this house as by this
Message they also do the Lower house That Thursday be the
last Day of this present Session of Assembly
Signed pr Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assembly.
The same sent by Major Sewall who returns having deliv-
ered it.
Dr Brooke brings the Proclamation about Towns & the
Kings Letter about Bulk Tobacco
The Lower house Answer about Bulk Tobacco
Lower house of Assembly 28th November 1688.
May it please your honours having received from your
honours in the Upper house of Assembly a Letter which was
from the Lords of his Majesties most honourable privy Council
to the right honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province
dated from the Council Chamber at Whitehall the fourth Day
of November 1687 whereby his Majestys Royal pleasure is
Signified, That his said Lordship in Conjunction with the Gov-
ernor and Councill of his Majestys Colony and Dominion of
Virginia take care a Law be passed in the Respective Assem-
blies of Virginia and Maryland against the Exportation of Bulk
Tobacco from these Plantations Together with a Message from
your honours thereunto relating
This house in Answer to the same with all Loyalty to the
Kings most Excellent Majesty Duty to his Lordship the Lord
Proprietary respects and due Regard to his Majestys Subjects
here and else where in his Majesties Dominions, Do say that
the Prohibition of the Exportation of Bulk Tobacco would in the
first place prove very Prejudiciall to his Majestys Interest and
his Royall Revenue and Income if that (most part if not all)
the Bulk Tobacco that is Exported out of Virginia and Mary-
land for the Kingdom of England is there sold and Conse-
quently pays the full Duty of five pence a pound to his Majesty
Whereas otherwise if in Cask a great part of the said Tobacco
is usually Exported into Holland and Elsewhere and pays but
one half penny per pound Custom, That the Tobacco of that
Quality which is more fitt for Bulk and altogether unfitt for
Cask to be therein Exported again out of England would by
that Meanes be Lessened in that a great if not most part of the
same would be left behind in this Countrey and his Majesty
by that means prevented of having any Duty att all for the