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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 169   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 169

He returns and says he has Delivered it
Coll Jowles Mr Lingan, Mr Harris & Doctor Brook from the
Lower house with the following Message Vizt

Lower house of Assembly 21 November 1688.
This house return the Upper house thanks for the Bill about
Orphans Estates.
They have also read the Letter Importing his Majesties
Royal Pleasure to his Lordship Concerning Bulk Tobacco and
the Message therewith brought by the honourable Clement
Hill Esqr and return this answer that at this time Several of
the Members of this house are out and in a Committee of
That it is Voted in this house before any thing further be
proceeded on as to the the Business of Bulk Tobacco the said
Committee be called in and the same seriously Debated In
pursuance of the aforesaid Vote this house will forthwith call
in their said Committee, And of the Resolves of this house
give the Upper house an Account, But because it is late they
Conceive the same cannot be perfected to Night.
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house

Coll Pye goes to the Lower house to know whether the
Lower house have any thing further for this to night if
not this house will Adjourn, he returns and Says the Lower
house have not any further to night
This house Adjourn untill to Morrow Morning 8 of the

The 22 November 1688 The Upper house Sat again

Lib. W. H.

The honourable

William Joseph Esqr
Coll Henry Darnall
Major Nicholas Sewall

Coll Edward Pye
Clement Hill Esqr

Then went the honourable Mr Clement Hill & Major Nich-
olas Sewall with this following Message & propositions to the
Lower house Vizt

Upper house of Assembly 22 November 1688.

This house desire the Lower house to resolve with this
house into a Grand Committee of both houses to Debate the
only great and Undoubted Good of the People of this Province
upon these following heads to witt

Ist To Encourage and Improve Husbandry

2d To promote the sowing of hemp and flax and Reviv-
ing the Laws to that Effect or otherwise as shall be thought


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 169   View pdf image (33K)
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