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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 150   View pdf image (33K)
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150 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

by his Name, for when God made promise to Abraham, be-
cause he could Swear by no greater he Swore by himself, for
Men verily Swear by the greater & an Oath for Confirmation
is to them an End "of all Strife so therefore the swearing which
I Deem Lawfull is that which is Sworn in and for Justice
Sake, for if all swearing were Sinfull God would not have
Sworn by himself as he did nor should We be Commanded
as we are to Swear by his name. But that swearing which by
the Laws of God is forbid and against which I earnestly move
this honourable Assembly is, that (but too) frequent Blas-
.pheming and taking the name of God in Vain upon every friv-
olous and light occasion not in truth and Justice but in passion-
ate huff and hector in fudling Shops and such like other places
of Sottish behaviour as is also forbid that other most Dam-
nable way of Swearing where under the Cloak of Justice and
truth they swear the greatest falshoods to the often ruine of
the People in their Lives and fortunes and this the Law Calls
perjury and is indeed a Crime that We shall be answerable
for before the Judgment Seat of God, if by making of whole-
some Laws (whilst it is in Our power) we do not endeavour
to Suppress so great and growing a Mischief, for that because
of this Swearing the Land mourneth, and under it will also
come into Consideration not only the perjury of false Wit-
nesses at the Barr, and before Justice but also of false affidavit
Swearers and Swearers of false Answers in Chancery, as also
all false Jurors of both the Grand & petty Pannells who do
not Act as they are Sworn to do nor proceed as they ought
according to their Evidence the evil whereof will lye at Our
Doors if as said We prevent it not.

p. 549

The fourth thing mentioned under the first and greatest
head of Duty towards God is that of breaking the Sabboth by
labouring and doing work therein not of Necessity to be done
as also by Idle spending and passing that Day in Drinking
tipling Gaming &c. all which unchristian practices will (I hope)
by the prudent care of this Assembly be prevented as will also
I hope all other publick and Scandalous Crimes now most in
mode amongst the People. Thus having in the first place
gone through these things which relate to Our Duty in refer-
ence to God, It will then become the Duty of this honourable
Assembly to proceed on the Second part which is that we
duely Consider of all such matters as by the Providence of
God shall offer in Referrence to Our Sovereign Lord the
Kings, Gentlemen, are the Lords Anointed and are by God
appointed over us to Rule and (next under God) the King we
are bound to fear and honour for that it is said fear thou the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 150   View pdf image (33K)
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