or Officers at the very first Employing of such Officer or at
the takeing out of any process act or thing belonging to such
Officer and to the Ordinary Keepers at the time of receiueing
such Ordinary accomodacons but in case default of prsent pay
in such Coyne be made tht then all such fees & Ordinary debts
as aforesaid shall be paid in Tobacoe as the same vsually
before the makeing of this Act was paid & satisfied This Act
to continue & be of force mediately after the end of this prsent
Sessions of Assembly provided tht this Act nor any thing
herein conteyned shall any wise Extend to protested bills of
Exchange in any respect whatsoever this Act to endure for
three yeares or to the end of the next genrall Assembly.
Priuate Acts past
An Act for Naturalizacon of derick Browne
An Act for Naturalizacon of Paul Berte and Mary his Wife
Therefore we comand you that these Lawes & every Article
in them conteyned at the vsuall places in yor County you
cause to be Proclaimed & Published & firmely to be kept
Giuen at St Maries the 19th day of Novembr in the Eleventh
yeare of his said Lopps dominion &c. Annoq dom. 1686
Vnder or great scale of or said Province of Maryland Witness
or trusty & well beloued Henry Darnall Esq Keepr of the
great seale of or said Province &c.
Henry Darnall Keepr