of the Council of Safety, 1776. 97
That the said Treasurer pay Capt Good five hundred
Pounds for the Purchase of Arms & Blankets.
Ordered that as soon as the Enemy which are now in
Patowmack River may leave the Colony of Maryland, or there
appears to the commanding Officer at St Georges in St Mary's
County no further Occasion for detaining the fifth indepen-
dent Company now there, that Capt John Allen Thomas march
the said Company to the northward and join the Troops
already sent from hence.
Adjourned till next Day 10 O'Clock.
[Council to Yost.]
To Mr John Yost.
We are very desirous of knowing exactly what Arms you
have ready for the public, that we may send for them as soon
as you get a Waggon load, or such number as will be worth
while sending for — let us know by first good opportunity, and
if none offers, and your Arms be ready, hire an Express and
we will pay him.
23d July 1776
C. S. C.
No. 70.
[B. Johnson to Council.]
Frederick Town July 23rd 1776.
I omitted in my letter in favour of Mr Morris, to mention
any thing relative to equipping Capt Hardman's Company. I
have since had conversation with the Capt. and he is of
opinion, that if you would furnish him with money he could
get guns Blankets &c for my own part I think from his
assiduety he will soon do it, nor do I believe it will be in his
power to accomplish it without.
I am Gent yr obedt Servt
B. Johnson.
[Price to Council.]
Upper. Camp St George's 23rd July 1776.
I arrived at this place the 21st Inst with one of the four
Pounders, the other two I left at Leonard Town, 'till further
orders. After inspecting this Camp and giving the necessary
orders I went over to the Lower Camp commanded by Colo
Barneswho is stationed much nearer the fleet than this Camp.
I think a nine pounder could reach The Fowey from one of the
points, 'tho I doubt our doing her much damage. The rest of