94 Journal and Correspondence
here. Had we not taken this measure, our Emission would
have been useless here and the Commercial Connection
between this and our Province would have been greatly if not
totally obstructed had exchanged the whole sum with the
merchants & shopkeepers and we have advanced as per
account enclosed. Mr Hughes haying obtd a large sum of
Continental money he exchanged with us as far as we had our
Convention Currency in our Hands: this gives us a fresh
fund to keep up the Credit of our money here. You'll be
pleased to advise us whether this measure of ours meets with
your approbation, if not we will remit the whole immediately
to you.
Capt Stricker being appointed Lt Col of the German Bat-
talion and being desirous to proceed immediately to Frederick
County to forward with all expedition the raising of the Com-
panies, we thought proper to advance him 1520 dollars of the
Sum appropriated for that Purpose; and we also have taken
the Liberty of advancing Col Ware £15. 0. 0 and Major Gist
£67: 10.—which sums they request you will charge to their
account. We are Gent.
Your obedt Humble Servts
Philadelphia 22nd July 1776. T. Stone
Wm Paca
C. S. C.
[Matthew Tilghman to Jenifer.]
Talbot July 22nd 1776.
I must beg the favour of you to lay before Council the
inclosed Pet. If I have not paid absolute obedience to their
order I trust they will impute it, not to a disposition to dispute
their authority, but to the real cause. The saving to the
public a considerable expence, or to myself an heavy and irre-
parable loss. If the Council consider the matter in the light
in which I have endeavoured to place it, and which in my
opinion is the true one, I am confident they will have no diffi-
culty in granting my prayer: and I hope they will pay some
attention to the hint of keeping an armed Boat to ply for the
security of this part of the Eastern Shore. Be pleased to offer
my petition immediately to the Board and whatever may be
their determination, I must beg the favour of you to transmit
it to me by the [bearer] who will wait.
I am Sir Your Most obedt Servt
Mat. Tilghman
To the Honble Danl of St Thos Jenifer Esq.
Charles Carroll, or any other Member of the Council
of Safety in Annapolis.