C. S. C.
earth yeilds salt, the whole Clift must do, & of course the
quantity is inexhaustible. Report says that the Clift both
North & South of this on the same side of the River are
impregnated with Salt. I have not seen any of them except
a small Bank at my own Plantation at the mouth of Hunting
Creek south from the first discovered Clift which is very Salt
& shall as soon as my harvest is secured make some large
Experiments on, & if successfull set to work to make what I
can. The owner of the Land of the first discovered Clift will
come upon no settled fixed plan of proceeding to erect either
Public or Private Salteries at, but says after Harvest he will
join me in trying further Experiments. The expence attending
my working the Shaft, in hire of Negroes Provisions & Cooking
for them cost me twenty five shillings currency, which I have
paid & if agreeable to you to charge to my Salt Petre acct,
please to give me yr order, or otherwise as you may think
proper. The time of my engagement with my Labourer at
my Salt Petre Manufactory expired a few days ago, and we
have not done anything since my Manager has brought in his
accts & thirty four pounds of good Crude nitre, for which he
demanded a quarter of a Dollar, being informed that the May
Convention gave him that sum. I have only paid a shilling,
with promise of making it agreeable to the orders I am
empowered to act by. I shall hire another Labourer soon to
go on with the Business & shall continue as long as I can find
materials impregnated sufficiently in a few months the quan-
tity of earth &c I have in my Shed, will I, expect yield 200 lbs.
The 34 lb made at the Manufactory 5 1/2 lb. I bought retd to
the Convention in my acct makes 39 1/2 lb in my hands, please
to give me orders what I am to do with it.
I am Gentleman, with all due Respect,
Yr Hble. Servt
E. Johnson
Lower Marlbro July 7th, 1776.
[Baltimore Committee to Council.]
In Committee Baltimore 7 July 1776.
Col Ware having informed us that he had drawn a plan of
a Fortification to be added to the works at Whetstone Point,
we shall be glad to know whether you mean it should be
finisht, and if so what further sum of money you will apply to
that purpose, and we should be much obliged if you would
favor us with the Plan left with you
I am Gentlemen, on behalf of the Committee
Your Most Obedt Servt
Willm Lux V. Chn