Index to Names of Persons and Places.
Messeck, Nehemiah, 274.
Messersmith, Samuel, 63, 266, 285, 483.
Middleton, Gilbert, 81.
Middleton, Joseph, 246.
Middleton, Mr., 133, 161, 218, 251, 266,
296, 298, 307, 497, 500, 505, 519.
Mifflin, Genl., 312, 342, 475, 482.
Miles, Joshua, 25, 170.
Miles, Levin, 400.
Miles River, 95.
Millberger, Henry, 32.
Miller, Isaac, 555.
Miller, Jacob, 437.
Miller, James, 436.
Miller, John, 337.
Miller, Paul, 481.
Millington, John, 215.
Mills, Cornelius, 216, 247.
Milly (vessel), 329.
Milne, Mr., 431, 555.
Milward (Melward), William, 562, 564.
Minor, John, 132.
Minskie, Samuel, 565.
Minskey, Catharine, 317.
Mister, Marmaduke, 153, 154, 156.
Mitchell, Ambrose, 306.
Mitchell, John, 280, 391, 415, 505.
Mitchell, Joseph, 317.
Mitchell, Notley, 426.
Mitchell, Reuben, 391.
Mitchell, Richard Bennet, 83, 127.
Mitchell, Thomas, 391.
Moale, John, 9, 500.
Molly (vessel), 17, 145, 150, 162, 202,
207, 387,417,492,511, 527.
Montague, Capt., 24, 104.
Montgomery Co., 352, 511, 558.
Montgomery, John, 151.
Montgomery (vessel), 257.
Montresore Island, 341.
Moody, Benjamin, 132.
Moore, Abraham, 555.
Moore, Capt., 52.
Moore, David, 543, 544, 555, 557.
Moore, John, 32.
Moore, Nicholas Ruxton, 9, 29, 36, 508.
Moore, Robert, 353.
Moore, Shiles, 316.
Moore, Thomas, 372, 379, 380.
Moore, William, 501.
Morgan, David, 564.
Morgan, Edward, 436.
Morgan, James, 345.
Morgan, Matthew, 132.
Morgan, Michael, 413.
Morgan, Robert, 346, 350.
Morningstar, Adam, 555.
Morris, James B., 247.
Morris, Jonathan, 108, 180.
Morris, Mr., 97, 103, 251, 566.
Morris, Robert, 271, 314, 547, 552.
Morris, Samuel, 63.
Morris Town, 520.
Morrison, David, 132.
Morriss, Jacob, 329.
Morrow, David, 132, 245, 289.
Morrow, James, 132.
Morrow, Robert, 170.
Mount Clare, 547.
Muckleroy, Robert, 353.
Mullen, William, 132.
Mulliken, Lieut., 15, 233.
Mumma, David, 32.
Munday, James, 436.
Munford, Thomas, 448.
Mungan, Michael, 483, 486.
Murdock, John, 113, 429, 538, 539, 555.
Murphy, Anthony, 353.
Murray, Alexander, 444.
Murray, James, 38, 93, 107, 126, 144,
269, 274, 354, 394, 413, 449, 450, 462,
464. 465, 485.
Murray, Mrs., 450.
Muse, Thomas, 392, 393, 394, 449, 464,
465, 487, 502.
Muse, Walker, 16.
Myers, Christian, 27, 29.
Myers, Henry, 555.
Myers, Jacob, 32, 404.
Nancy (vessel), 291, 315, 506, 514.
Nanjemoy, 87, 98, 334.
Nantaskett, 290.
Nantes, 385, 387, 439.
Nanticoke, 18, 38, 144, 152, 153, 155.
Nanticoke Indians, 429, 447, 496, 502.
Nasaongo Bridge, 372.
Neale, Francis, 326, 329, 332, 335.
Neale, Henry, 180.
Neale, Wilfred, 100.
Need (Neit), George, 317, 399.
Nevill, John, 171.
Nevin (Niven), William, 9, 48, 54, 96,
109, 223, 244, 252, 293, 303, 307, 388,
426, 454, 490, 493, 516, 538, 541, 560.
Newark, 482, 496.
New Brunswick, 487.
New Castle, 540.
Newell, Thomas, 132.
New England, 340, 342.
Newfoundland, 410, 411.
New Jersey, 105, 456, 482.
Newland, Nicholas, 321.
Newport, 203.
New Town, 208.
New Windsor, 513.
New York, 65,74, 79, 105,106, 120,130,
132, 142, 147, 148, 156, 162, 183, 190,