ship that came yesterday is a very fine one for the old france
Trade. Capt. Martin will sail to morrow without faill hands
is so scarce it is allmost imposable to get them. I have Beef
anuf salted, I sopose for sum time. I am picking up all the
Pork I can for the Defence. Butter and chees is very high. I
think Capt. Martin and hand will expend in wages and repairs
200 Pounds. Pleas send me 1500 or 2000 Pounds. Money is
paid away surprisingly but 1 cant doe with les.
from your Humble Servt
Jesse Hollingsworth.
P. S. Mr Speer, Mr Smith, Mr Turnbull or Capt Cook will
bee good hands to send mony by, Send it soon as I am out.
[Chase to Capt. Nicholson.]
Wednesday morning
Sir, Philadelphia Dec. 11th 1776.
It has been reported that you was coming up to this city
with a Body of seamen and marines, one of the frigates is
ready for the sea. the other three may be soon ready for a
short voyage, if men could be procured, you would render
essential service, if you could immediately come up with a
body of seamen, and an attempt might be made to bring
round all the frigates here to Baltimore Town. It cannot be
doubted the Council of Safety would lend the Hands belong-
ing to the Defence for this very important service. You will
send an Express to the Council of Safety not one moment is
to be lost. I write this by the order of congress.
We were informed yesday morning that the Enemy were at
Burlington Monday evening. We have certain intelligence
just now, that the Enemy were not there last night. It is
reported and believed, that some of their light Horse were
seven miles above that place on Monday, not one of the
Enemy are on the West side of the Delaware. It is beleived
the main Body of General Howe's army is at Maidenhead,
about six miles above to the East of Trenton, General Lee
with between 5 & 6000 men was at Morriss Town last Sunday
Evening, he will join General Washington who is with his
army opposite Trenton. The congress will not quit this city
but in the last extremity, to prevent false reports, publish
the above.
Inform Mr Purviance, that Mr Hancock will sett off this day.
Let it be known, that arms are furnished to our Militia. Let
the want of them be no excuse. Your obedt Servant.
Capt. James Nicholson Saml Chase
Baltimore Town