[G. Cook to Council.]
Baltimore December 1st 1776.
Honored Gentlemen.
We got safe to Baltimore on Friday morning and since
have not been able to do any thing for want of a wharf for the
ship to cleave at I expect get one that Mr Lux has two Briggs
at Monday morning and shall use my utmost endeavours in
getting the ship ready for sea as soon as possible. As soon
as the Tender is fit to be sent to Potomack I shall send her off
with Instructions to call at Annapolis and take Mr Middleton
with them to endeavour to find our anchor. I shall acquaint
you from time to time how we go on. I have the Honor to be
Hond Gentlemen
Your most obedt Hble Servt
George Cook.
P. S. Inclosed I send you two advertisements of the sale
of the Snow Georgia. I should be glad to be informed whal
we are to do for stores for the Ship's Company which art
much wanting or wether I may not contract for such article:
as are wanting, if I have it in my power.
[J. Hollingsworth to Council.]
Baltimore December 1st 1776.
The barer Mrs Trepolet is uneasy about her Howses Takker
by Capt. Ewin Smith and Ramsey last winter for barraks I
have troubeld you on the same acount once before I was calld
on by the Cort to vallew the howses when the ware takker
and I beleve for that reason the widdow insists I will dot
sumthing for her, this was all setteld shee was paid but since
the houses are much abused and she thinks will bee recovered
they are fitter for barracks than any in town and I beleve the
abuses had best be repaired, the are very carles and shee
thinks they will burn her and all she has by their neglect I
think shee has cactch them with larg fires again the walls or
the out side. But what shee says I think may bee dependec
on and must leave you and her to settell it Pleas excuse for
this freedom, it is for a widdow.
from your humble Servant,
Jesse Hollingsworth