of the Council of Safety, 1776. 49
of the Enemy and to regulate his motions accordingly, he will
move to you if there should be a necessity. We have wrote
to Brigadier Dent who will take the Command of the Militia
and Regular Forces in his District. You will communicate
this to Colonel Mackall if should have returned to your
July 15, 1776
C. S. C.
[Council to Beall.]
To Captain Rezin Beall
Sir. We expect this will find you in Saint Mary's County
as we hear from Colonel Sumervill that you marched from
Drum Point on the 14th it is impossible for us to give absolute
and particular directions to you as the designs of the Enemy
are not known to us, we can only instruct you to watch their
motions and regulate your own accordingly, you will stay in
Saint Marys County so long as you apprehend the Enemy
may have any design of Landing there or making any attempt
to distress or plunder the Inhabitants, if they should move
from thence to any other part of Potomack or up the Bay to
Land on this Shore you will follow them with all the dispatch
you can. We have sent instructions to Brigadier Dent to take
the Command of the Militia and regular Forces in his District
whose orders when they reach you, you will obey.
15 July 1 776
No. 35.
[Council to Dent.]
To Brigadier General Dent
Sir. By different letters we have received from Saint
Marys and Calvert we are informed that the Fleet under Lord
Dunmore have appeared in the mouth of Potowmack and it is
apprehended they may attempt a landing on some part of
that River or in the Lower Counties on this Shore, we there-
fore think it expedient that you should give directions to the
militia of your District to hold themselves in readiness to
oppose the Enemy in case they should attempt any Hostilities.
We think it expedient that in this emergency you should your-
self take the Command and remain with them till you hear
further from us — as the militia for the Flying Camp are not
in readiness, we conceive it will not interfere with your duty
as Brigadier of those Corps, and your presence will be much
wanted at this time in your District. Captain Beall with his
Independent Company is now at Saint Mary's County, ready
to oppose the Enemy. He and his Company will likewise be
subject to your Command. We shall be glad to hear from
15 July 1776
No. 36.