gelists of Almighty God that the above acct is just and true
to the best of his Knowledge.
Sworn before Jacob Young
[J. Martin to Council.]
Baltimore Nov. 25th 1776.
I received yours of the 21st and as you did not write to me
concerning the Sailors wages I thought it my duty to acquaint
your Honble Board, that the few vessells now fitting out in this
place Gives from 11 to 12£ pr month for common hands, and
officers wages is what they please to ask. Mates has 15£ pr
month as I shall have but few seamen this passage I Think it
Requisit to have an officer of merines it is much wanting in a
harbor, and at sea they serve to work the Guns, if you think
it proper, I shall be glad Mr Bond may have the preferance.
I cant Ship a Sailor for want of articles and then as I agree
with them I can make them "sign and be on the sure side.
When I get the articles I can git men in great plenty by
telling them I shall have a commission, and I hope as I had
the promise last voyage, and as I sail for lowe wages and
Refused good offers in vessels that have made fortunes, this
voyage I hope according to promise to have a commission
and Doe some good for my-selfe and country. Capt. Stone
came the 18th Instant with the Baly, and a parcel of men, to
take the Brig But I defended her with 4 men, and still keep
possession, though the Sheriff putt his hand on the side and
said he Deliver'd her as Capt Stones property, sum thing
strange that a man to Deliver a thing he cant git possession of.
I am Gentlemen,
Your Hm Servt
John Martin.
[J. Tilghman to Council.]
Colo Tilghman's Nov. 25th 1776.
Gentleme n.
I received the inclosed letter from Doct. Pine by yester-
day's Post and as it greatly concerns our Soldiery have
thought proper to lay it before your Board. The Doct. is a
man of veracity and what he advances may be relyed on. a
discrimination of that nature among Soldiers cannot be sub-
mitted to and is enough to check the ardor of the bravest man
upon Earth. I have the Honor to be with the greatest
respect. Gentlemen,
Your most obedt & Humbl Servt
Ja. Tilghman.