C. S. C.
attend the Council of Safety. We request you would give
the necessary orders to have them sent down so that they may
attend here on Wednesday Week. Should they refuse to
attend we must proceed in such manner to compel them.
Novr 23rd 1776
Committee of Observation for Baltimore County.
[Vanbibber and Harrison to Council.]
St. Pierre Nov. 23d 1776.
We wrote you on the 2d Inst, by Capt. Conway who sailed
the 4th with a cargoe consisting of muskets, Powder, woolens,
Linnens and Salt to the amount of £3944.. 19.. 10, this cur-
rency, which we hope are all or will be soon safe in store with
you. We have received your favr of the 29th Ulto by Capt
Pattison who we have supplyed with sundry necessaries for
his vessell amounting to £72.. 18.. 3 pr Rec'
We are glad to find you were loading out some vessells for
us. our creditors are growing importunate and unless paid
off soon will be exceedingly clamorous and troublesome. We
can with truth affirm that no men can be more desirous to
serve their country than we have been and still are, and we
would immediately ship to the amount of the 25000£ in such
articles as we could get, was there a possibility of raising
money of bills, but there is not the least chance of procuring a
penny that way. Every man who has money here knows too
well the advantage of sending it home in goods.
This being the case our sole dependance must be on remit-
tances from you, which we doubt not of your disposition to
forward as quickly as possible, so soon as our old scores are
rubbed out we can with more confidence and facility dip a
little further for you, tho' it would be greatly for your advan-
tage to get before hand.
Linnens are in great abundance. Powder we are quite
overstocked with and some small arms may be bought. But
we know of no Brass cannon or Howitzers, and Woolens are
yet scarce.
We have just received a parcel of Goods from Bordeaux
from Mr McCreary among which are some woolens. We
would willingly forward them to you by Capt. Pattison, but he
being lumbered and bound on a cruse, cannot take them.
They shall go by the next opportunity that we like.
The Elizabeth Capt. Sangier got safe into Chas Town and
sold your Powder there with the Cargoe, and has since arrived
here with a fine parcel of rice and Indigo. It has been deter-
mined by the opinion of some merchants that we should take