46 Journal and Correspondence
soon be sufficiently armed, and I humbly offer it as my opinion
that unless some such step is taken, the providing arms here,
for the men that may be raised in this part of the County, will
be altogether impracticable.
I am Sir your most hble Servt
To the Honble Danl of St Thos Jenifer John Hanson Jr:
President of the Council of Safety.
[Jesse Hollingsworth to Council.]
Sir. I received your letter and am well satisfyed that I have
so far pleasd you. You mention sending [ ]250 by Capt.
Nicholson. He brought me an order for that sum but no
cash, have sent the order by Mr Wells to receive the money,
after paying the flour Expence to Poakomoak the expence of
discharging the Brigs and the hier of the Vessels for the
Troops to Elk, shall lay out the remainder in any way you
please to order as I have opened a count for you shall credit
you with the money and charge you for what I doe and pay
for you, and render you a state of the acount monthly or at
the end of sartain Jobs done.
Mr Wells has s[ome] proposals to make, but thinks it hard
that he cant be paid his old acount, which I know is hard on
him as a man can have no trust here for any thing, and his
surcumstances wont admit of his lying out of his mony so long.
There is 20 bbls of superfine flour left with me and I was at
the Bakery last night, there is a good deal of Bread bakd
and very good, if there is any wanted for the Brig, please let
me now in time, or if flour is wanted I have few barrels flour I
should sell at 9s pr hundred which I would send down for the
Brig, from your humble Servant
Bait. July 14th 1776. Jesse Hollingsworth
My flour is fresh and good, if you should want to send any
to Chingoteag for the Brig.
Monday 15 July 1776.
Council met. Present the same members as on Saturday.
John Hall Esqr a member of the Council attended and was
qualified before Mr Jenifer by taking the Oath prescribed by
the Convention.
Copy of Letter No 34 was sent to Lieut. Col. Alexander
Somervill, Copy of No 35 to Capt. Rezin Beall, Copy of No 36
to Brigadier General Dent, and Copy of No 37 to Col. Richard