Wednesday, Novr 6th 1776.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Monsr
Francis Pelletier two hundred and ninety one Pounds, four
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to William Nevin seven-
teen Pounds, five shillings and two Pence.
Copy of Letter No 249 was sent to Jesse Hollingsworth.
No 250, to Cumberland Dugan.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Notley
Mitchell twelve Pounds seven shillings and six Pence.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Elizabeth Sharpe two
Pounds, three shillings and one Penny.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Catherine
Nixon eighteen shillings and nine Pence.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Charles Ridgely one
thousand Pounds.
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 oClock.