[Council to Lower Committees.]
To the Committees of the four lower Counties
Gentlemen. The bearer hereof Colonel Ewing will have
occasion to spend some little time in your County in forward-
ing the raising the Men for the Flying Camp, purchasing
Arms and Blankets for them, and promoting in other respects
the Public service; as he is pretty much a Stranger in your
part of the Province he may be at a Loss perhaps, unless he
receives some assistance from you, we therefore take the
Liberty of introducing him to you and shall be obliged for
any assistance you may give him or any favours you may
shew him.
July 13 1776
C. S. C.
No. 33.
[Page to Jenifer.]
Williamsburg July 13th 1776.
Sir. As the Enemy's Fleet has been driven from their Sta-
tion and their Forces obliged to abandon Gwyn's Island, and
we are informed they will endeavor to possess themselves of
some Place on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, We have
thought it prudent to give you the earliest intimation thereof
A Battery of 2, 18 pounders played on their Ships and in a
few rounds forced them to retire, 4. 9 pounders silenced their
Batteries, raked their camp and threw them into the greatest
confusion, on which our men, as soon as Boats could be pro-
cured, past over to the Island, which the Enemy abandoned
with precipitation, carrying with them all their cannon, except
one, two of their tenders fell into our hands. The Ship Dun-
more was so much damaged that, it is said, she was burnt the
Night after the Cannonade they were obliged to destroy two
other vessels. We congratulate you on the success of the
American Arms in South Carolina. By this express you will
be fully informed of Sir Peter Parker's repulse.
I am, Sir,
Your most obedt hble Servt
John Page Pt Cl