4 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Capt Patrick Sim six pounds sixteen Shillings and three pence
for sundries furnished his Company.
Copy of Letter No 6 was sent to Mr Archibald Buchanan.
Council adjourns till Tomorrow morning 10 O'Clock.
C. S. C.
No. 2.
[Council to Buchanan.]
To Brigr Genl Buchanan.
Sir. You will perceive by the inclosed resolve that the
Convention have directed the place of the regulars, that are to
march from Baltimore Town, to Philadelphia should be sup-
plied by two Companies of the neighbouring militia, till the
flying Camp, can be ready, we trust and request therefore that
you will consider what Companies of your County may with
the greatest Convenience be stationed at Baltimore Town, and
give orders for their march to that station as soon as the regu-
lars leave it.
July 7 1776
No. 3.
[Council to Weems and Hammond.]
To Cols Weems & Hammond (respectively)
Sir. You will see by the inclosed resolve that the Conven-
tion have directed the place of the regulars that are to march
from hence to Phil" should be supplied by three Companies of
the neighbouring militia till the militia for the flying Camp
can be ready we shall be glad to see you as soon as you pos-
sibly can that we may determine what Companies of your
Battalion may with the greatest Convenience be stationed at
this Place
July 7th 1776
No. 4,
[Council to Veazey and Harrison.]
To Captn Edwd Veazey & Lt Harrison (respectively)
You will perceive by the inclosed resolves that your Com-
pany is to march immediately to Philadelphia, the service
requires the utmost despatch — we think twill be the most
expeditious as well as convenient way to go to the Head of
Elk by water, and therefore recommend it to you to endeavour
to procure a vessel for the purpose of transporting your
Troops thither, if however you cannot get one immediately,
you will march up as speedily as possible — waggons will be
ready for you at the Head of Elk to carry your Baggage, and
a proper supply of Provisions to Philadelphia. If a vessel is