Deponent ask'd said Atkins if he was about to die, said Atkins
said he did not know for there was like to be Wars and said
Deponent asked him where and said Atkins replied with the
people in the Country: this deponent ask'd him if he was
down at Wm B. Townsend's and said Atkins replied yes. this
deponent also ask'd if he carryed his gun with him and he
replied yes and further told him there was about 70 guns
at said Townsend's at the same time: and this Deponent
ask'd if his gun was loaded and he answer'd yes and this
Deponent also asked what was the purpose of his going down
there and said Atkyns reply'd that it was to defend Wm B
Townsend and the question being asked by this Deponent
whom it was he understood the said Townsend was to be
defended against; said he believed it was against the pro-
ceedings of the Committee his
Philip x Rain
Taken before John Selby mark
No 9
On Thursday night William B Townsend took Daniel Boston
& his sloop, it is reputed that he has 17 armed men on board
the sloop: they are about one mile below the mouth of the
river aground on the mud banks.
David Williams
Thursday Evening, To Mr Thomas Bruff.
The above letter was transmitted to the Committee of
Worcester County.
No 11
November 17th 1775
William Handy of lawfull age being called on by the
Committee of Worcester County deposeth and saith that he
had frequently conversed with Mr Abraham Gibbs upon
subject of the unhappy dispute now existing between Great
Britain and the American Colonies, that the said Gibbs some
time last fall, winter or spring he can't particularly recollect
which, this Deponent heard the said Gibbs say that the Con-
gress he thought either ought or would loose their heads, and
in case the ministerial troops were sent over here to lay their
hands upon Congress that he the said Gibbs would be one of
the first men who would join them, but that he has heard the
said Gibbs long since speak much in favour of the American
cause and at different times since he has heard Mr Gibbs
speak against the cause and condemn the conduct of those
who were friends to the cause, and that the latest conversation