day came Benjamin Butler to his house and after he had been
there some time, he asked this Deponent if there was any
body there besides his own family and he made answer that
Pettit was up stairs, he then gave this Deponent a touch and
desired him to walk out and upon his going out with said
Butler said Butler told this Deponent that Levin Townsend
had come home and that it was said he had been on board the
Man of War at Norfolk and that he had brought salt and
ammunition and it was to be had there and requested this
Deponent to bring his gun as there was to be a muster there,
in consequence of which this Deponent went immediately off
to Townsends and arrived there as he believes about 9 oclock
at which time there was there about 15 people some of whom
were armed, and that Levin Townsend asked this Deponent
as this Deponent believes to go up stairs and then told him
he must swear to keep secret what should be discovered to
him and at the same time asked him if he did not want salt ;
this Deponent asked him where the Salt was to be had, he
told him it was no matter and immediately swore him; that
this Deponent heard Wm B. Townsend say that salt would
not do without ammunition and that Deponent heard some of
the company say that they heard Levin Townsend say that
when they returned they would not come alone,
before John Sclby. Josias Robins.
No 4.
November 25th 1775.
Joshua Selby of lawfull age being called upon by the Com-
mittee deposeth as follows, that he was at Wm B. Townsend' s
on Sunday the 1 2th Instant, when he heard Levin Townsend
say that he had been on board the Man of War five days, that
Mr William Alien was at the said William B. Townsend's &
endeavoured to persuade him to appear before the Committee,
that said Townsend declared that he would die before he
would be taken or submit to the punishment which he sup-
posed the Committee would inflict on him, and this Deponent
further says that early on the Wednesday morning following
Benjamin Butler came to this Deponent and ask'd him to go
down to Wm B. Townsends, that there was salt to be got there
cheaper than it could be got at Snow Hill, that Butler told him
the orders they had, was to carry loaded guns, that this Depo-
nent accordingly went to Townsend's that when he got there
he was carried up stairs, and sworn to keep secret by Levin
Townsend (son of Wm B. Townsend), that on his being sworn
he asked said Townsend for what purpose it was, Townsend
replied to keep secrecy that they were going for salt: this
Deponent asked when they were going, Townsend replied it