of the Council of Safety, 1776. 357
[Council to Hebb and Bowes.]
Gentn We take the liberty of inclosing you a resolve of the
Convention, which we should be much obliged if you would
execute. We are informed that some of the vessels may
easily be got up to Mr Stephen Steward's Shipyard to be
repaired. We should be glad if you will have them fitted with
Jury masts for that purpose as soon as possible, and procure
hands for them, all the sails belonging to them, or any others,
that came on shore, may be sent with them. Those vessels
that cannot be raised, and fitted out, you will have disposed
of in the best manner for the use of the State, the expence
attending the execution of this resolve, will be repaid you with
Octr 17 1776
Messrs; Vernon Hebb & Timothy Bowes.
No. 220.
[Council to Wells.]
No. 221.
We send you by Mr Barry the 400£ which you desire may
be transmitted by him, and will write you fully about the
Masts, Sails, Rigging and Cordage also the weight of metal
of the Gallies as soon as we see Mr Stewart who has proper
drafts of those vessels &c and has engaged the necessary
Oct. 17 1776
Mr. George Wells
[Gen. Smallwood to Council.]
Philips Height's October 1776.
Gentlemen. I have received but two letters from you, of
the 11th September and the 2nd October, in the latter of which you
express some surprise at never having received a letter from
me since I left Maryland, which is just and should I have
incurred your censures, it is nothing less than I have expected
and let me assure you it was with great reluctance I subjected
myself to it, but I am yet conscious, could you have viewed
the severe and perplexed duty I have had, and our corps in
general been exposed to, you wou'd at least have pitied them
and excused me for this neglect, in answer to yours wherein
you require a particular return of the arms, accoutrements,
Camp equippage and utensils &c of the Regular troops imme-
diately under my command, must beg leave to refer you to a
letter wrote to the Convention on the 12th in answer to theirs
of the 4th of this inst, wherein you'll find a short detail of