338 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Gilchrist & Richardson
thirteen Pounds, fifteen shillings Cy for Amt Acct
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Francis Linthicumb
four Pounds, ten shillings for a Gun & Bayonet.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Benja Rumsey nine
Pounds, sixteen shillings for 14 Day's Attendance in Council
of Safety.
Adjourned 'till monday 10 o'Clock.
C. S. C.
No. 212.
[Circular to Capts. Covington, Teems and others.]
We send you inclosed a resolve of Convention relative to
the Company which you have a warrant to enlist, and desire
you will immediately make us a return of the men enrolled.
If your Company is full, or nearly so, you will inform us of it,
and in what forwardness you are for marching; but if it is not
then discharge such as have enrolled and return the Bounty
money not expended.
To Capt. severally enlisting men.
October 12th 1776
No. 213.
[Council to Capt. A. Hynes.]
We send you by Lieutt McCreakin £620, to defray the pur-
chase of arms and Blankets, one month's pay; and the expence
of supplying yr Company with provisions, you will be pleased
to return us before you leave Frederick a particular account
of these matters. You are to march your Company with the
utmost dispatch to Philadelphia where you will apply to Con-
gress for, and receive, further orders.
Octr 12 1776
No. 214,
[Council to S. Boone.]
All the Gunlocks you can make are wanted here. You will
therefore be kind enough to send them down to this Place as
soon as you can.
To Mr Saml Boone.
Octr 12 1776
[Smallwood to Tilghman. Battle of Long Island.]
Camp of the Maryland Regulars Head Quarters October 12th
Through your Hands I must beg leave to address The
Honble Convention of Maryland, and must confess not without