C. S. C.
are ready to march on advice thereof they will receive
marching orders. It has not been in our power to purchase
linen & blankets and we are in hopes you can, or we would
not have given you this trouble, expedition must be made
use of or Captain Holland will not get up in time. When
you have expended the money please to render an acct
hereof to.
N. B. Orders will be sent to Johnson to make up the tents.
Mr Amos Garrett.
October 10th 1776
No. 208.
[Council to Dr Neale.]
Sir. Inclosed you have a Commission for an Assistant
Surgeons office in Colonel Smallwood's Battalion now en-
camped near New York. You are desired immediately to
join the Battalion.
Dr Francis Neale.
Octr 10th 1776
[C. Hogmire to Council.]
Hagar's Town October 10th 1776.
Gentlemen. My age and bad state of helth has render'd me
incapable of serving any longer as an officer in the service.
I have therefore inclos'd you my commission and at the same
time return you my most sincere thanks for the Honour you
confer'd on Gentleman Your most obedt Humble Servant.
Conrad Hogmire.
[Van Bibber and Harrison to Council.]
October 10th 1776.
Gent. We beg leave to refer you to ours of the 8th here-
with sent, since then we have received here in exchange for
the same quantity we had at Statia 120 half barrels Gun
powder, which we have put on board the Brig Friendship on
your acct and inclosed you will find a Bill of Lading and
Invoice for it. We are most respectfully
Sirs, Yr obedt Hble Servants
Van Bibber & Harrison
P. S. Capt Martin says that the mistake of the 10 bbls
powder you mention was rectify'd before he sailed.
[Hollingsworth to Council.]
Baltimore October 10th 1776.
Sirs. I received your orders for purchasing 900 barrels of
superfine flower and 20 hhds of tobaco and directions to