black hair, an old grey cloth coat, striped cotton jackett,
leather breeches, worsted stockings, shoes & hat.
Stephen Sysney a Pennsylvanian 5 feet 5 Inches high, a
well proportioned man, has a dimple in his chin, short dark
brown hair, a hunting shirt, a brown shalloon jackett, leather
breeches, and a pair of trousers, stockings, shoes and a large
Whoever takes up and secures the above persons so that
they may be brought back to their place of confinement, shall
have at the rate of 8 dollars for each, or fifty six dollars for all
of them, per order.
[Sim to Council.]
Upper Marlboro Sept 23rd 1777
Gentlemen. I received by Capt Covington two hundred
and twenty two pounds of bounty money for the company to
be raised in this county, which I have this day paid to Messrs
Levin Covington, R Wootton, R Crabb and Thos Handy gen-
tlemen recommended by the Field officers of this county to
recruit said company. As there are no field officers belong-
ing to the eleventh Battalion except myself, the gentlemen
appointed by convention having resigned and returned their
commissions and are unwilling to act again, its very trouble-
some and disagreable to me to continue. I have therefore
now returned you my commission also & begg a new appoint-
ment may be made of Field officers and
I am Gentlemen, Your mo obedt Servtt
Joseph Sim.
[Cooke to Council.]
Potowmack Ship Defence Sept 23rd 1776.
Gentlemen. I have thought it Necessary to send the Tender
up as her mainmast head is sprung, and is under the Necessity
of keeping Mr Middleton as a Pilot to carry the ship down the
bay. I have endeavoured to get one at Smith's creek but
could not. I am informed by Commadore Boucher that he
was chased by the Fowey off our Capes. I shall use every
proper method in my power for the safety of our ship. I have
the pleasure to inform you that the greatest Harmony subsists
amongst the whole Ship's crew and all in high spirits and good
health. I shall inform you fully of our State by the return of
Mr Middleton. I have the honor to be Gent
Your most obedt Hble Servt
George Cooke.
N. B. Commadore Boucher was chased the 14th of this Inst.
G. C.