[J. Nicholson, Jr., to Jenifer.]
Sir. Capt Dames who has been exceedingly active in
endeavouring to arm his Company of the Flying Camp to
march to the Northward, has nearly got them equip'd for that
purpose he only wants 30 firelocks which he can procure from
Winters provided he can obtain the consent of the Council of
Safety, without which he will not spare them as he looks upon
them to belong to the Publick in consequence of his contract.
Capt Dames has been encouraged by me to make applica-
tion to you for them, upon a supposition that that part of
the Flying Camp which belongs to the Western Shore will be
armed there, indeed if Capt Dames obtains the consent of the
Council to get Winters's arms, it will be a means of getting
off Capt Feddeman's company likewise, because Capt Dames
will then be able to spare some guns from his company which
are inferior to Winters's arms, but at the same time are so
much superior to any Feddeman is likely to procure for his
company, that he will gladly accept of them and march off
early next week.
I shall do myself the pleasure of waiting upon the Council
next week as soon as Mr Johnson is elected for Caroline,
which will undoubtedly be the case without opposition. I
speak this from assurances made me by every man of interest
and note in the County, every one of whom I have had per-
sonal interviews with. I congratulate you on the favourable
turn our affairs are likely to take in Canady.
I am with much respect Sir
Your very Hble Servant
J Nicholson Jr.
Aug. 23rd 1776, Queen Ann's County.