216 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Corns Mills thirty
seven shillgs & six Pence for three Cord of Wood.
Captn Burgess's Compy commissioned.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Capt Burgess one
hundred & twenty five Pounds cury for & Acct of his Compy
Ordered That Commissary of stores deliver to Captn
Burgess 10w Powder & Lead equivalent & 25 Gun Flints.
Adjd 'till Monday 10 oClock.
C. S. C.
No. 146.
[Council to Deakins.]
To Captain Deakins
Sir. We have yours of the 12th and are sorry to hear you
have not Compleated your Company, however we think it
necessary you should send down directly to this City, the men
you have ready, and recruit the others that are wanting with
the greatest Expedition, if you will send down a Recommen-
dation for any Person you aprove of for an Ensign, he shall
have a Commission. The Arms that were made at George
Town, were not disposed of in the manner you mention, we
send you two hundred and fifty pounds to Purchase the Guns
and Blankets that are yet wanting and hope you will lay it out
to the greatest advantage.
August 17th 1776
No. 147
[Council to Hollingsworth.]
To Colonel Hollingsworth
Sir. It is thought by some of the Delegates from your
County that a sufficient quantity of Cloth proper for Tenting
can be had there, to make Tents for your two Companies of
Flying Camp militia. If it can, we shall be very much
obliged to you to purchase it, & have as many tents made up
with the utmost dispatch, agreeable to the directions of those
made at Baltimore, as will answer. You will also be pleased
to have the necessary Poles got ready, and the tents com-
pleatly finished.
17th August 1776
No. 148
[Council to Richardson.]
To Colonel William Richardson
We have already given orders to many of your Captains in
Writing. We have now only to add that you are to march
all the Companies in your Battalion as soon as possible that
can be Armed and equipped. They are to go to Elizabeth