[R. Christie, Jr., to Jenifer.]
Baltimore 13th August 1776.
Dear Sir. I wrote you some time ago acquainting that I
had two schooners which were cunk at the entrance of this
harbour by order of the committee for upwards of three
months. An allowance has been made me, to put the vessells
into as good order as when they were taken away, but I am
told an application must be made to the Council of Safety for
payment of the demurrage. I should be glad to know when
it would be proper to apply & what vouchers the Council will
require to ascertain the time the vessells were out of my
possession ? If necessary, I can make it appear, that I have
paid considerable sums for freight of other vessells, during
the time my own were sunk. I hope you will excuse my
being so troublesome to you; I do not want to come down
to Annapolis until I am prepared with the necessary vouchers
to compleat the business. You will oblige me very much by
giving me an answer at your convenience.
I am Dear Sir your most obedt Servts
Robf Christie Junr