18 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
tho she sertainly sails fast now. I will be off on Friday, and
go to Baltimore for you or the Eastern Shore tho your busi-
ness requires my being in the yard. I will do what you think
most advantages for the Province. I think to get Capt. Kilty
to go to the Eastern Shore and will git him to come up with
me for that purpos.. I se the most of those Vessels you send
a list off must be in Nanticoke and Wicomico as these two
Rivers are block't up how are you to get them out if they
shuld sute your purpose. John Ball has aplyed to me for to
get the building one of the Row galleys which I have no
objection to. If you think well off it. The more of them that
are a building, in one yard the more hands will be employed,
tharefore wee shall bee beter abel to protect them from the
enemy tho I should be glad Mr Ball and every honest man
should have part of the Province business.
I am Gentelmen your most obedient
humbl Svt Stephen Steward.
[Rumley's Deposition.]
John Rumley deposeth and saith that he was taken by a
Tenders boat on the Shore of Spring Island, that while he was
on board the Tender he saw a Boat standing out of Hoopers
straights directly for the Tenders in Company with that which
this deponent was on board of, that the said boat continued
her course directly on board one of those Tenders and that it
appeared to this Deponent to be the voluntary act of those on
board said Boat to go to the Tenders, as there was not a gun
fired at them, or any measures taken by the Tenders of send-
ing a Boat, or using any other means to bring said Boat to
them; that the sd boat getting alongside of one of the Ten-
ders, he knew it to be Bazil Clarkson's boat, and that sd Clark-
son and three other persons were in her. all of whom got on
board the Tender; that soon after Clarkson and his Company
boarded the Tender, this deponent heard men on board the
several Tenders hail each other, and say that the Defence was
laying off Hoopers Island, and that Bazil Clarkson and a cer-
tain John Baptist told them so, which sd Baptist and two others
who went on board the Tender when Clarkson came off from
them in his boat about one hour & a half after his going on
board, and further saith not.
Taken before the Committee of Observation for Dorchester
County this ninth day of July Anno. Dom. 1776.
Signed p order. Jno C. Harrison Clk.