upon order up to this place in his way to the camp to the
Northward. He may leave his Potts to Captn Mantz's Com-
pany to cook with and may be supplied here with Camp
Kettles or Potts more portable than those he has now in pos-
session. Captn Mantz will occupy the posts and places, where
Captn Thomas's Company were stationed until further orders.
The officers dispatched by you to give Captn Nicholson
notice not being able to overtake him had very near occa-
sioned a loss of the Defence, she was becalmed & obliged to
come to an anchor, Tide age her; the english Fleet had a
wind, which brought them down Potowmack within three
miles of her, where she lay becalmed, when fortunately a
Breese sprung up, which enabled her to escape; they heard
no firing at your camp.
We are glad to hear the Cannon proves good, as it will be
advantageous to the Province, and a greater encouragement
to those, who use them in Time of Engagement, as they will
put the more confidence in the rest; we are also well pleased
on the account of MrHughs's succeeding in the way to satis-
We received Copies of Mr Eden's, Wolstenholme's and Mr
Forrest's letters, and still retain the opinion communicated to
you in our last, and of which we informed Colo Barnes, in
answer to his packett, that it is unsafe at this period of Time
to permit Mr Wolstenholme to depart this. Province, and the
more especially, as he would not engage secrecy with respect
to our movements, and present situation and his Letter to Mr
Eden of the 20th July, so far from removing, has impressed it
more forcibly on our minds.
We are sorry for the fatigue, and hard Fare you have met
with, and would alleviate it, as much as lies in our Power, it
is only the fortune de la Guerre, another Time, we hope, you
will have quarters more agreeable, we doubt not your
humanity will interest you so far in favour of the sick, as to
have all the care taken of them you can. we have heretofore
wrote you about the Cannon coming up by water, after the
Departure of the enemy.
P. S. We have some Powder and small
arms arrived at Wiccomico on Virga
as you will see by the inclosed receipt, &
should be glad of yr opinion how we could
contrive it across in the safest manner
to the Maryland Side of Potowmack
31st July 1776.