of the Council of Safety, 1776. 137
ill, and the service is so very unknown to them that the whole
Burthen lies upon the few regulars that are here. I went on
the Island yesterday morning a little before day with a party
of forty men, but could find none of the Enemy there. We
waited till eight o'clock but none came on shore, nearly half
the Fleet have gone and the rest I suppose will go in a few days.
Whenever they go I shall proceed to Annapolis on my way
to the Northward, and shall be extremely obliged to you if
you will have the Tents Knapsacks, Havresacks, Camp
Kettles and Canteens completed for my company ready at
Annapolis. What I want will certainly be finished in that
time. If the Tents are large they will hold eight men, so
that at that computation I shall want fifteen tents for the whole
Company with other things in proportion I beg you will
endeavour to procure them for me by the middle of next
week by which time I shall I hope be at Annapolis, but I shall
necessarily be delayed here a few days to get on board the
Cannon, and in procuring vessels to transport us, but not one
moment shall be lost. Be pleased to present my compliments
to Mr Plater and believe me to be
Dr Sir yrs affectly
J. A. Thomas.
P. S. I forgot to mention that we yesterday morning
opened our Battery which played as 'tis thought with success
on the Fowey. Numbers of dead bodies come on shore
every day, that we are poisoned with the stench. J. A. T.
[Buchanan to Rumsey.]
Sir. Upon application of Mr Sewell by the desire of Mr
Cowen to him, we agreed if it was agreeable to the Council
of Safety to undertake the building of two or three Gunda-
leave to begin upon immediately with a number of hands and
finish as soon as possibly. We have an opportunity of
engaging what hands we want immediately and will undertake
it on the same terms as other Carpenters and will give any
bond and security as shall be required. Col Hull and Mr
Risteau both promised to wait upon you for a line but I have
not heard from them, if tis approved of please write to me
and I will begin the work and come down if necessary but
if my coming a few days hence to enter into the bond
woud do it woud suit me better. I am at present unwell. It
woud be necessary for me to hear your determination and
shall be much obligd to you for a line.
I am Sir your obedt Hble Servt
Archd Buchanan
In Committee of Observation