[Hanson to Council.]
Middle District July 25th 1776.
Gentn I am directed by the Committee of this District to
acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 16th inclosing several
resolves and the Declaration of Independency to the contents
of which papers due attention will be paid. Persons were
some time ago appointed in the different hundreds within this
district, to receive the arms from those who have not signed
the association and enrolled in the Militia, but no returns have
been made by them. Three guns only have been brought in
which have been delivered to Mantz's Company, and the
Committee offer it as their opinion that very few guns will be
got by way of loan and that there is not the least probability
of arming the Flying Camp from this quarter, but by purchase.
The Committee have often been applyed to by the Prisoners
in the Torey Jail, for an enlargement, on giving sufficient
security not to depart the Bounds which may be allotted them,
and for their good behaviour, but are doubtful whether they
would be justified in complying with their request and would
be glad to be favoured with the opinion of your Honble
Board, and as some of these prisoners are officers, whether
they are not entitled to their parole agreable to the resolution
of Congress respecting Prisoners. Yesterday were brought
to this place under a guard from Burlington, fifteen officers,
taken at St. Johns, who are ordered by the Board of War to
be kept here. Those who refuse to sign the parole are
ordered to be confined in Jail, three of them have signed, and
the other 12 who refused to sign, were last night sent to the
Torey Jail, which we hope will occassion them in a short time
to take the advantage allowed them. It is a dreadful place
(but the best we have) to be confined in, and so crowded at
present (being 27) that it may be dangerous to their healths.
The officers last mentioned find themselves, but it will be
necessary to augment the guard, which will increase the
expense, and the money sent to defray the charges of the
Prisoners, being nearly expended, the Committee request that
a further sum be sent by the first opportunity.
I am Gent your most obedt Servt
John Hanson Jr. Chr