The manner in which it was prevented, and the conversa-
tion that past betwixt the commanding officer and myself on
the occasion, which, I have great reason to believe caused his
immediate return without any intention of doing further
damage, what happened afterwards to Mr Morris' house, as
well as the action which occasioned it, I flatter myself, you will
hear from persons whose veracity may in general be less ques-
tion'd than my own at so critical a juncture.
As I mentioned the term of four days, it was found conve-
nient to be received by the Flagg, I thought it necessary to
acquaint you therewith in order that you might appoint a
proper officer on the occasion, and that every due respect may
be paid to it, as the militia who have returned to my house
since the affair are, I apprehend very little acquainted with
ceremonies of this nature.
I am very respectfully
signed by Mr Wolstenholme
To the Commanding officer of the
Maryland Provincial Troops at St. Georges
Maryland Saint Mary's County.
C. S. C.
[Wolstenholme's Case.]
On the 16th January 1776 The Convention resolved
" That if any Non-Associator should choose to quit The Prov-
ince and go beyond Sea, the Committee of Observation of the
County to which he belonged might and were empowered to
grant him a Pass-port to leave this Country in Peace and go
beyond Sea carrying with him his Property or any part thereof
&c. leaving an Estate to be burthened with a proportionate
part of the Expence incurred by this Province in the Defence
of American Liberty.
Under this Resolve Daniel Wolstenholme Esqr Collector of
the Customs in North Patowmack on the first day of July 1776
applied by Letter to the Committee of Observation for St
Marys County, informing of his Intention to leave this Prov-
ince and to return to Great Britain and applying for such a
Pass-port as might enable him to leave the Province Safety to
his Person and security to his Property as soon as he could
with Convenience to the Situation of his Affairs procure a
Passage for that purpose. The Committee of Observation
aforesaid consisting of 13 members having considered Mr
Wolstenholmes Application Resolved unanimously that the
said Daniel Wolstenholme Esqr have leave to depart this
Province with his Effects unmolested to Great-Britain at any
time hereafter as shall bv him be judged most convenient for