10 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
assist in throwing up Intrenchments for the protection of this
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Doctor Charles F. Wiesenthal thirty five pounds for a Journey
to Virginia in Consequence of a Resolution of Convention in
May last.
Copy of Letter No 10 was sent to Thomas Smyth Esqr Copy
of Letter No 11 to Charles Ridgely senr John Weston and
John Skinner respectively; No 12 to the Deputies in Congress,
Copy of No 13 to Mr Alexander.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores render an exact
Account of all the Stores of what kind soever now in the
Magazine at Balt Town.
Ordered that the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Oliver Whiddon three Pounds fifteen Shillings Currency for
Stocking 6 Musquets.
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Captain Patrick
Sim thirty four Pounds one Shilling on Account of his
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Dr Michael Wallace
thirty one Pounds ten Shillings on Account of the Hospital.
Adjourned till next Day 10 O'Clock.
C. S. C.
No. 7.
[Council to Hammond.]
To Matts Hammond, Quarter master
Sir. Two Companies of Col. Hall's Battalion will be
immediately ordered to the City of Annapolis for its defence
agreeable to a resolve of Convention, & as it will be proper
that you as Quarter master should provide Quarters and Pro-
vision for them, we have thought fit to give you this early
information of it that you may adjust Matters accordingly —
the service requires expedition, and that not a moment should
be lost in taking the necessary measures.
7th July 1776
Nu. 8.
[Council to Steward.]
To Mr Stephen Steward
The Council of Safety will take Mr Sprigg's vessel, if you
are of opinion that she will make a fast sailer draw little water,
and suit this Province as an armed vessel, of which please to
advise us in Writing, and request she may be got ready with
the utmost dispatch. We hope and expect a fortnight
will compleat her. When can you set off for the Eastern