92 Journal and Correspondence
I have fitted all my Arms with good Steel Bayonets, all
bright as from the Gunsmith, in new wooden cases, and in a
Strong Arm Chest locks with handles proper for immediately
transportation, all the Arms should be kept so and every
Battalion ought to have a Close Ammunition Waggon and a
Close Baggage waggon prepared ready to start:
[Tyler to Council.]
Prince Georges County Novr 10th 1775
Gentlemen. It is at the request of several persons of For-
tune and Character that I am induced to inform you how par-
tially matters were Conducted with regard to the nomination
of Field officers to the Battalion on the upper part of Patuxent,
there are six Companies in the Forrest and but three below
which gave them an advantage which they took of Nominating
whom they pleased. I was present when the Nomination was
made and objected strongly to their naming but four, by
arguing that they would by that means give you no Alternative
whatever, but as they had previously agreed on their men what
I said availd nothing, I have now only to inform you that the
persons polled for that day besides those recommended were
Mr Barton Lucas, Mr Thomas Snowden, Mr Walter Bowie,
Benjamin Ogle Esquire Mr James Mullikin, Mr Reason Beall,
Mr William Tumor Wootton & myself any of whom in my
humble opinion are equally entitled to your Notice in every
respect with those returned, therefore it is to be hoped you
will pay no regard to such a recommendation.
I am Gentn with much Respect
Your most Humble Servt
Robt Tyler.
It can be proved there was pains taken to obtain votes by
solicitation & I think the persuasive argument was that they
should have a majority of Field officers above.
[Mason to Council.]
Virginia, Gunston Hall, Novr 29th 1775.
Gentlemen. Having just received the following important
intelligence, and not knowing whether you were apprized of
the Character & dangerous designs of Majr Connelly, I
thought it proper imediately to transmit it to your Board,
together with a copy of a letter & Intelligence, respecting him,
recd sometime ago from his Excellency General Washington.
This appeared to me the more necessary as the prisoners being