Ordered, That Copies of the foregoing Recommendation
be transmitted to the several Offices therein mentioned.
The following notice was ordered to be printed in the
Annapolis Gazette, viz.
By the Council of Safety of Maryland October 21st 1775.
The Committees of Observation are requested to compleat
their Returns of the Minute and Militia Officers, and the
Companies of Militia formed in Battalions agreeable to the
Resolves of the late Convention as soon as may be, that the
proper Commissions may issue.
Resolved, That there be a Meeting of the Convention at the
City of Annapolis on the 4th Day of December next and that
the Clerk of this Council inclose a Copy of this Resolve to the
Delegates of each County within this Province.
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore pay
John Garratt for his Trouble in attending this Meeting, and
for providing Wood & Candles, the Sum of forty Shillings
common money.
Signed by Order Eleazer McComb Clk.