Affairs. I propose returning early in the Spring, and have
Inducements to believe that I shall have an Opportunity of
rendering some Service to the general Cause; if, however, in
the present Exigency of the Times my Voyage is deemed
improper, I shall decline any further Thoughts of prosecuting it.
I am very respectfully
Gentlemen, Your most obedt hble. Servt
Thos Jenings
Septr 1st 1775.
Upon [reading of which ordered] That Mr Jenings be
informed that [the Council] see no Impropriety in his Prose-
cution of his [intention] to go to England.
The following Advertisement was ordered to be inserted in
the Maryland Gazette.
The Council of Safety desirous of forwarding the Intentions
of the Convention in promoting the Manufacture of Salt, Salt-
petre, Gunpowder, and fire Arms, request any persons who
are inclined to engage, on liberal Encouragement, in the
Manufacture of Fire Arms, or to erect a powder Mill in the
neighborhood of Baltimore Town, where it will be most bene-
ficial; or Salt, or Saltpetre-works, that they will send their
Proposals in Writing to Gabriel Du Vall Clerk of the Council
of Safety and they shall be attended to, and speedily answered.
Resolved That the Honble Daniel of St Thomas Jenifer Esqr
Charles Carroll (of Carrollton) Esqr and Mr Charles Wallace,
or any of them, be empowered to contract for the making and
Delivery of any number not exceeding 1000 good substantial
proved Musquets, of the same Dimensions and with the same
Accoutrements with those for which Mr Beatty is empowered
to contract, and for the same price, and may contract to
advance in the same manner.
Ordered, That the Treasurer [of the Western Shore] pay
unto the Honble Daniel of St Thomas Jenifer Esqr Charles
Carroll of Carrollton Esqr and Charles Wallace, or any of
them, or their or either of their Order, five thousand three
hundred and thirty three Dollars and one third of a Dollar out
of the Bills of Credit in his Hands to enable them to advance
as aforesaid.
Resolved, That Thomas Johnson Junr Esqr be empowered
to contract for the making and Delivery of any number not
exceeding 1000 good substantial proved Musquets, of the
same Dimensions and with the same Accoutrements with
those for which Mr Beatty is empowered to contract and for
the same price; and may contract to advance in the same
C. S. J.