6 Proceedings of the Maryland Convention, 1775.
C. J.
Arms in this Province, and the expence and best mode to carry
the same into Execution; and that Charles Beatty, Stephen
West, Jeremiah Townley Chase, James Murray, William Buch-
anan, John Hanson and William Deakins be a Committee for
that purpose.
The petition of John Bailley and Alexander Ogg were read
the first Time & ordered to lie on the Table (Nos 2 & 3)
Convention adjourns 'till Monday morning 10 o'Clock.
Monday, 31 July 1775
Met according to adjournment
Richard Tilghman Earle appeared for Queen Ann's County.
Ignatius Wheeler Junr and William Webb for Harford
Joseph Nicholson Junr for Kent County
James Maccomas for Harford County.
This Convention being informed that a Brig of Christopher
Lowndes of Prince George's County, lately cleared out from
this Province for Barbadoes, was seised and carried into Boston
by some Officer or Officers of His Majestys Ships of War,
stationed there; and considering it as a matter of the last im-
portance, that the truth of this fact be enquired into and
known; Do recommend it to the General Committee of Ob-
servation for Prince George's County, immediately to call
before them all witnesses who may have any knowledge of
the said Transaction, and also to summon the said Christopher
Lowndes to appear before the said Committee, bringing with
him all papers relative to the said Vessel, and in particular a
Letter said to have been Wrote to him by Henry Lloyd of
Boston, concerning the same Vessel; and pass Judgment
whether any collusion has been committed or not, and if the
said Committee shall adjudge that there has been any collu-
sion, that in such case the person or persons guilty thereof be
sent with the Judgment and Evidence to this Convention, or
in their Recess to the Council of Safety, hereafter to be ap-
pointed (No 3)
Signed by order of the Convention
Mat. Tilghman, Chairman
On Motion, Resolved, That the value of £ 5900, common
money be borrowed on the credit of this Convention to be laid
out in the purchase of 48 Tons of Lead, one hundred pounds
value in Gun-Flints, two Tons of Cannon powder, and the
residue of the said sum in Musquetry powder, for the use of