Courtney, H., to Carroll, 96, 168.
Cowley, W., to Washington, 93.
Dalton, J., to Jenifer, 306.
Dartmouth, Lord, to Eden, 341.
Dorsey, T., to Jenifer, 220.
Eden, R., to Carroll and others, 337,
357. 514.
Eden, W., to Eden, R., 343, 345.
Ewing, T., to Smallwood, 95.
Garrett, A., to Jenifer, 197.
Garrett, A., to Rumsey, 287, 508.
Germain, Lord George, to Eden, 344.
Gilpin, J., to Rumsey, 184.
Grason, R., to Jenifer, 420.
Gunby, J., to Jenifer, 195.
Hair, J., to Neill, 83.
Hamond, A. S., to Eden, 459.
Hancock, J., to Baltimore Committee,
Hooe, R., to Jenifer, 94.
Hooe, R., to Beall, 261.
Jenifer, to Carroll, 218.
Johnson, E., to Somerville, 506.
Johnson, T., to Jenifer, 372.
Lee, C., to Purviance, 315.
Lee, C., to Jenifer, 410.
Lee, G., to Beall, 125.
Lee, G., to Jenifer, 373.
Lux and Bowly to Jenifer, 537.
Lux, W., to Jenifer, 253, 322.
Mantz, P., to Du Vail, 176.
Mason and Dalton to Jenifer, 127.
Matthews, G., to Purviance, 82.
Montagu, G., to Eden, 511.
Montagu, G., to Carroll, 515.
Montagu, G., to Jenifer, 518.
Neill, W., to Carroll, 156.
Paca, W., to Carroll, 80.
Pendleton, E., to Tilghman, 446.
Purviance, S., to Jenifer, 138, 219.
Purviance, S., to Carroll, 226.
Purviance, S , to Philips, 313.
Purviance, S., to Baltimore Commit-
tee, 363.
Purviance, S., to Baltimore Deputa-
tion, 382.
Ramsey, N., to Jenifer, 157.
Scott, G., to Jenifer, 162.
Scott, U., to Jenifer, 469.
Smallwood, W., to Jenifer, 161.
Smallwood, W., to Johnson, 445.
Smith, N., to Jenifer, 549.
Smith, S., to Eden, 476.
Smyth, T., to Tilghman, 552.
Spear, W., to Jenifer, 140.
Stenhouse, A., to Wiesenthal, 137.
Steward, S., to Wallace, 105.
Stone, T., to Jenifer, 383.
Taylor, R., to Hall, 210.
Thompson, J. D., to Rumsey, 130.
Virginia Committee to Baltimore
Committee, 359.
Washington, G., to Hancock, 87.
Watkins, J., to Hindman, 253.
Wells, G., to Jenifer, 541.
West, S., to Burgess, 124.
West, S., to Jenifer, 125.
West, S., to Du Vail, 153.
West, S., to Hall, 406.
Wiesenthal, C. F., to Carroll, 144.
Worcester Committee to Gist, 532.