Smallwood, W., 208, 332, 400, 421.
Smith, N., 436, 546.
Smyth, T., 330, 337, 555.
Spear, W., 148.
Steward, S., 104.
St. Mary's Committee, 148, 303.
Stricker, G., 224.
Talbot Committee, 159, 225, 259, 302.
Tilghman, J., 547.
Thomas, J. A., 276, 304.
Unseld, J., 401.
Valiant, J., 396.
Vanbebber, A., 501, 556.
Vanbebber, I., 496.
Veazey, E., 426, 526.
Veazey, J., 160, 269.
Virginia Council, 143, 207, 217, 241,
263, 3i7. 330. 425, 455-
Ware, F., 356, 403.
Waters, P., 183.
West, S., 137, 281.
Woolsey, G., 405.
Worcester Committee, 448, 500, 557.
Wright, T., 260.
Young, H., 266, 397, 455.
Youst, H., 400.
Youst, J., 293.
Letters to Council :
Adlum, J., 79.
Alexander, R., 133, 134, 164, 188, 208,
Baltimore Committee, 218, 227, 235,
244, 255, 257, 372, 410, 415, 422,
433, 448, 496.
Baltimore militia, 413.
Barnes, R., 176, 181.
Barrett, S., 152.
Baxter, J., 402.
Beall, A., 166, 195, 350.
Beall, J., 205, 235, 284, 307, 316, 440,
Beall, R., 301, 452, 453.
Beall, S., 462.
Beatty and Johnson, 165, 428.
Beatty, C., 81, 198.
Bordley, B., 74.
Boucher, J. T., 293.
Bracco, B., 176.
Brent, G., 447.
Brice, J., 236.
Buchanan, A., 451, 527.
Buchanan, W., 523.
Calvert Committee, 176, 200, 204, 261,
315, 485, 505.
Caroline Committee, 480.
Carroll, C. (Barrister), 171, 180, 222,
234, 401, 461.
Chamberlaine, J. L., 140.
Charles Co. Committee, 186, 305.
Chase, S., 89.
Contee, T., 154, 210.
Cradock, J., 539.
Craufurd, D., 168.
Dashiell and Horsey, 151.
Dashiell, G., 327.
Deakins, W., 81.
Deloplain, J., 503.
Dent, J., 394, 551.
Deputies in Congress, 134.
Dorchester Committee, 129, 186, 258.
Dorsey, S., 546.
Dorsey, T., 133, 238, 446.
Dugan, C., 203, 471, 502, 509.
Elk Ridge Committee, 238.
Ennalls, T., 542.
Ennalls, W., 257.
Ewing, T., 155, 417.
Fauntleroy, J., 243.
Frederick Committees, 234, 465.
Frederick militia, 199.
Frisby, W., 423.
Gaither, E., 102, 299.
Galloway, J., 238.
Galloway, S., 514.
Garrett, A., 493.
Gist, M., 252.
Greentree, I., 414.
Gunby, J., 313.
Hall, I. and others, 456.
Hall, R. B., 498.
Hammond, R., 450.
Hancock, J., 334.
Hands, T. B, 283.
Hanson, J., 156, 199, 332.
Harford Committee, 200.
Harrison, R., 494.
Haslett, W., 230.
Henry, W., 298.
Hindman, J., 323, 528.
Hollingsworth, H., 138, 155.
Hooe, R., 111.
Hopkins, G., 316, 317, 409, 457.
Jenifer and Hooe, 213.
Jenings, T., 76.
Johnson and Beatty, 81.