by military Preparations and shall say that we are pleased
with every thing that you have done, and shall give you every
support in our Power.
6th July 1776
[Powder, Gunlocks, musquets, Course clothes to cloath
3000 men, blankets 3000, greatly wanted, 3000 course stocks,
2000 pr shoes, Lead, gun flints, thin duck for tents, course hats
better than the last sent by Mr Vanbebber, German Ozns good,
Tin, Campkettles and Cantines.]
C. S. C.
[Council to Worcester Committee.]
To the Commee of Obsn for Worcr County.
We have ordered a Captain and thirty Privates of the
militia of Kent County to guard the Gun Powder &c belong-
ing to this Province from Chingoteague in Accomack County
in Virginia to Chester Town, but as we cannot with any Cer-
tainty from the unhappy and disturbed state of your County
and Somerset, determine with any Certainty whether it may
be a sufficient Guard, we request if you think it will not, that
as many of your militia as you shall determine proper, may
march through Somerset and the Head of Dorset with the
Waggons for the further security of the Powder, and we cannot
doubt of the readiness of your men to engage in the service,
and are fully persuaded your requisition without an order
from our Board will be sufficient to ensure a Compliance.
6th July 1776
The aforegoing are Letters from the Council of Safety 'till
6th July 1776
Test R. Ridgely Cl.
No. 64.