[Council to Smyth, Hands, and Nicholson.]
To Messrs Smyth, Hands, & Nicholson
July 6th 1776.
The Convention have appointed you members of the
Council of Safety, and we beg your attendance immediately.
Messrs Vanbebber and Harrison have bought us a Brig and
shipped us a valuable Cargoe as you will perceive by the
enclosed copy of the invoice.
You will be pleased to dispatch waggons immediately from
Kent or elsewhere as to be had, sufficient to convey this
Cargoe to Chester Town and also to provide Provision for
the Guard to Chingoteague and back, which is to consist of a
commissioned Officer & 24 Privates out of Captn Vezeys
To Messrs Smith, Hands & Nicholson
members of Council of Safety
Chester Town.
The Convention have this moment determined that the
Battalion and three independent Companies immediately
march to the Jersey's armed. You will therefore not lose one
moments Time, but send the waggons instantly down to Virga,
we shall be totally without arms 'till these arrive. As Vezeys
independent Company is to march immediately, you are desired
to send a Captn and 30 picked Men of the militia to guard the
C. S. C.
No. 60.