C. S. C.
Capt Beall some time ago, if it should you will send it by the
Bearer, as I promise you I want it much. I would have wrote
to the Council, but did not know whether it would be agree-
able to them to receive it from among the Small Pox. be kind
enough to dispatch Wirt down immediately, let no excuse
stop him. I hear that he wants to stay, You may tell him he
is to return again. Please write me and enclose a list of the
Officers of the Flying Camp. I have nothing now to write,
but am Dr Sir,
Your most Obdt Hble Sert
Bennett Bracco.
P. S. We are all getting thro' the Small
Pox as well as can be expected.
To Mr Ridgely or
Mr G. Duvall at Annapolis.
[Smyth to Council.]
Chester Town July the 2d 1776.
The Bearer hereof Mr Winters waites on the Convention
with 50 stand of Arms for use of the Province which I think
will be highly approved of. Mr Hollingsworth has not fur-
nished him with Gun Barrels agreeable to his contract, and if
he is not more punctual Mr Winters tells me he shall be much
delayed for want of Barrels and Bayonets, permit me therefore
to remind the Council of Mr Samuel Dorseys Proposal the
other day, to furnish a large Qty of those two articles, and from
the sample of his work in the Cutteau Blade he produced to
the Council there is great reason to believe he would execute
his work in the best manner. If Mr Winters cou'd be furnished
with Locks from the Frederick Manufactory he cou'd easily
compleat 50 stand of Arms every week.
I am with the most perfect Regard Gent
Yr most Obed£ Servt
Thos Smyth.