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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 537

[Lux and Bowly to Jenifer.]

Baltimore 29th June 1776.
Sir. We are just now informed by Mr Hollingsworth that
he has your Instructions to unload the Brig Fortune and dis-
charge her from the public service. As she has been long
loaded and the whole time fully manned and held in readiness
to sail and of course her disbursements very high, We are
desirous to know upon what terms she is to be discharged ;
for which purpose our Mr Lux, who we expect will be in
Annapolis on Monday on his return from the Eastern Shore,
will wait upon the Honl Council of Safety, or if he should be
disappointed and not return so soon, D. Bowly will then be
down. In the mean time we have desired Mr Hollingsworth
to wait 'til we had been with you.
We remain Sir., Your mo obedt
Hble Servts
Lux & Bowly
To the Prest of the Council of Safety of Md

Original .

[N. Smith to Council.]

Gentlemen. I wrote you the 18th Inst, by Mr Powell request-
ing you would appoint him my 3d Levt but understand he is to
have a higher station in the Troops now to be raised, at which
I am very well pleas'd, as I think him a very deserving young
I now beg leave to recomend the Bearer Mr Robt Porteus,
as a young man the most fit to fill the station of any one I
know, & assure you I shall esteem it as a particular favour if
you will appoint him my 3d Levt
I must still beg you woud allow Mr Saml Chesters one of
my serjants, who is appointed Adjutant to Colo Buchanan's
Batallion, to act still as serjant to my Company:
I am Gentlemen, Your mo obliged Hhble Servt
Balto. June 30th 1776. Nathl Smith.


[List of Harford Militia Companies.]

A List of the Companies on the North side of Deer Creek
in Harford County formed and returned to this Committee :

Capt William Webb.
Ignatius Wheeler 1 Lieutenant
William Fisher Second Do
Samuel Webb Jun' Ensign
& 74 Privates. Date of Enrolement 14th day of October 1775.

C. S. C.

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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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