512 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
war, as also to repel any violence; Captn Montague having
broke the truce, until she shall pass through that part of the
province, and have gone clear of the mouth of Potowmack
Ordered That Colo Smallwood be requested to furnish
Captain Pitt with a Serjeant, and six men properly armed, and
accoutred to assist in sailing or rowing his boat, and repelling
any force, or violence, which shall be offered her by the Fowey,
or any of her tenders or boats.
Copy of Letter No 39 was sent to the independent Captains
Copy of Letter No 40 was sent to Captn James Nicholson.
Copy of Letter No 41 was sent to Captn Jams Nicholson
Adjourned till next Day 10 o'Clock.
C. S. C.
No. 36.
[Council to Montagu.]
To George Montagu Esqr
Sir. Representations have been made to the Council of
Safety this morning by Mr Samuel Galloway and others inhab-
itants of this Province, setting forth that a number of white
servants belonging to the several persons so applying had run-
away from the service of their masters. We are also informed
that a Soldier in the service of this Province had deserted
from Captain Scott's Compy — a flag is sent with the list of the
servants, and to request the delivery of them, and of the
soldier, if they should be found on board, and if they or any
others should hereafter attempt to get on board, we expect
they will not be received. We are authorized by the con-
vention to say that the people of this Province will strictly
observe the truce, in confidence that Captain Montagu will do
the same.
June 24th 1776
[List of servants.
Hugh Job, Taylor
James Brooke, Painter
Robert Skinner, Carver
John Holly, Gardiner
Thomas Wilkinson Waitingman
Joseph Hallam file Cutter,
belong to Mr S. Galloway
left West River last night.
belongs to Mr James Cheston,
belongs to Wm Nevin.
John Nottingham, a young english Lad about 18. deserted
from Capt. Scott.
John Wilson, blacksmith, belongs to John Campbell Lindsey.