of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 499
Vessel in the Channel of the River Patapsco for the Preserva-
tion of Baltimore Town.
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Mr William Lux
One hundred Pounds Currency for the Freight of Powder
from St Eustatia.
Copy of Letter No 27 was sent to the Committee of Obser-
vation for Worcester County.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
John Gordon of Baltimore Town One hundred and twenty
four Pounds one Shilling common money being the Ballance
of his Account for Cartouch Boxes Bayonet Belts and Gun
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Erasmus Uhler of
Baltimore Town fifty nine Pounds ten Shillings, the Balance of
his Account for Cartouch Boxes, Bayonet Belts and Gun-
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Col. George Plater
eight Pounds four Shillings and six Pence for Expences
incurred in erecting Beacons on the River Patowmack.
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Messrs John Shaw
and Archibald Chisholm twenty nine Pounds seven Shillings
and eight Pence for stocking Musquets and for other Services
as pr Account.
Copy of Letter No 28 was sent to Dr Edward Johnson of
Calvert County.
Information being lodged with the Council that a certain
Alexander McGee of Baltimore County now in Custody at
Baltimore Town had been guilty of Offences tending to dis-
unite the People of this Province in their present Opposition
to the measures of the British Ministry, Ordered That Col.
Smallwood be directed to send the said Alexander McGee
under a sufficient Guard as soon as may be, to this Board.
Ordered That Summonses issue to William Buchanan and
William Lyon of Baltimore County to testify against the said
Alexander McGee before this Board on Monday next the 24th
Summonses issued accordingly.
Adjourned till 3 O'Clock and met accordingly.
Mr Carroll attended.
C. S. J.
Ordered That the Supervisors of the Gunlock Manufactory
in Frederick Town deliver to Captain Stricker all the Gun-
locks which are compleat at the said Manufactory.
Copy of Letter No 29 was sent to Capt Abraham Vanbcbber.
Instructions and sailing Orders were given to Schooner
Three Sisters, Capt Joseph Handy master, Vid No 30.