Severn Battalion is from the local situation of the Country
greatly exposed to the Depredations & attacks of our cruel
& inveterate Enemies: And as we may daily expect them,
we request that you will be pleased to furnish the said Battalion
with 200 Cartouch Boxes with 23 rounds of Powder & Ball to
each and also 200 Gun flints.
We also inform your Honours that we will be answerable
for the above, unless lost by unavoidable accident, and will
return the same to the next Convention if they will not pay
for the same. We are Genl in expectation of the above
reasonable request being complied with.
Yr most Huml Servts
I. Hall. Rezin Hammond.
31st May 1776. Nichs Worthington.
To the Honble the Council of Safety:
P. S. As an additional reason for the above application it
is to be considered that the magazine is in the very heart of
the Battalion and the cartouch Boxes may be lodged in the
magazine subject to the order of the Colo or Lieutenant Colo
in case of an alarm. I. Hall.
[Hopkins to Council.]
Baltimore May 31st 1776.
Genl I have sent by the Bearer John Payne Twenty mus-
quets with Bayonets and seventeen without fourteen of which
I received of Peter Littig, the others being some of the Prov-
ince Arms Recd of Capt Saml Smith, and also six Reams Car-
tridge paper which I had an order for some time ago and had
not then Received it. I am Genl yr most
Huml Servt Gerard Hopkins son Rd
[Worcester Committee to Council.]
In Committee, Snowhill May 31st 1776.
Were Present. Benton Harris Esqr chairman
Messrs Peter Chaille, John Purnell, James Martin
Henry Johnson, John Done, Outten Sturgis
and John Selby.
Whereas special permission was heretofore granted to Mr
Benjamin Dennis to raise a Company of Militia in Worcester
County and in pursuance of the Resolves of the Convention
of Maryland, it appears that he hath enrolled a Company con-
sisting of eight non-commissioned officers and fifty six Privates,
likewise that he was duly elected as Captain, John Townsend
C. S. C.