of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 407
lightest Arms to the Officers, the largest and heavyest to the
Privates for very obvious reasons but you cannot expect good
Arms or the Art to be carried to perfection unless you give
liberal Encouragement. I have many that will be worth 5
Guinnies at least, and those I send you really stand me
£5.. 7.. 6 without a great Profit or allowance for my own time,
Expence, and Collecting Materials. Your Rammers and
Bayonets of your Country-made Arms I am told are rough
Trash, & the Rammers fly out in Exercise, mine will not, they
are kept by a fine spring in the lower pipe, people who are
good Judges declare that my Arms on an Average are well
worth fitted & finished as I do them 4 Guinnies, my own Car-
bine from London, not equal any way to the one I now send
you cost me 4 Guinnies out of Jno Baziers shop. We cannot
make them so cheap as they do, the price I have asked to
indemnifye me is 6£ of our Paper not equal to 3 1/2 guineas,
here, and I affirm in the face of the sun they are well worth it:
I prove all the locks, and if any way defective finish them
with the best steel, many Guns that I have seen are fitt only
to beat Homminy with, not for men to trust their lives to.
pray have you summed up the price your Musketts will come
to, from piece work from your favourite Harriss try them
fairly and see what they will amount to and then when they
are really finished as well as mine which I do not believe all
your workmen together can do, please to sum up the amount.
first the Barrell, to Squire Harriss
Loops for the Sling Swivels
A screw and nutt for the Butt
A trigger and guard
Fixing the loops and sight to the barrell. qr if the
price of 257
A Sett of brass mounting, if cost only 7/6 might
yet before it is put on properly filed & pol-
ished it will cost at least 15/
A Stock.
A Lock.
A Rammer
Screws and pins for the Butts, Guards & loops at
least ..
A Spring for the Rammer
Polishing the Barrell
2 Slings Swivels and screws
A Bayonet Scabbard hook & fixing — suppose
4.. 6
A good well finished Bayonet such as mine 16
or 17 inches in the blade, cannot be made
compleat for less than
12.. 6