[Baltimore County Committee to Council.]
In Committee of observation of Balto County 23 April 1776.
Gentlemen. This Committee on the late alarm appointed
Mr Robert Purviance, Mr David Stewart and Capt George
Woolsey to superintend the fitting of the schooner Resolution
as a Tender, or armed vessel for Capt. Nicholson as they have
nearly compleated her and are in advance a considerable sum,
You will please to furnish them with six or eight hundred
pounds as is convenient.
We are Gentn Your most huml Servts.
Willm Lux V. Chn Jno Smith
And. Buchanan Jas Calhoun
Jno. Boyd Walter Tolly Junr
Darby Lux Thomas Harrison
Jas. Gittings Wm Buchanan