358 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
have received £5000 Currency from the Treasurer of the
Eastern Shore in Consequence of an order for that Purpose.
Alexander Ross, according to Order, was brought before
the Council and examined; and after Examination was
remanded back in Custody of Captain Adams; And there-
upon, Ordered That the said Alexander Ross deliver to
Colonel Smallwood's Order all and singular his Papers of
what Sort soever now at Daniel Grant's Tavern in Baltimore
Ordered That the Officer appointed to bring Alexander
Ross's Papers from Baltimore Town have full Power to take
Possession of the said Ross's Portmanteau and all the Papers
lodged with Mr Grant, and to convey the same to the Council.
Adjourned till Monday Morning, 10 O'Clock.
[Ross to Council.]
Gentlemen: I have by your orders been in close confine-
ment since last Wednesday morning, during which time, I
have had feelings far beyond the Power of expression: Altho
I am yet ignorant of the charge you have against me, I am
persuaded nothing can appear, that was not more the effect of
necessity than inclination, my wish therefore, is to be heard by
you as soon as possible, when I doubt not you will act, and
determine for me, with that temper and moderation which has
hitherto been the result of your deliberations I doubt not of
convincing you that my plan of life had been long settled
before this unhappy affair, and that my Views were very differ-
ent to what I am charged with: Maryland has always been my
favorite Province, and it has always had my warmest & best
wishes, and if I may be believed, I did it all the little service in
my power while with Lord Dunmore.
You will be pleased to forgive me for troubling you at this
time as your own feelings will point out my necessity: I am
with respect,
Gentlemen your very huml Servant,
Annapolis 20th Apl 1776. Alexr Ross
[Extract from Proceedings of Baltimore Committee.]
At a Meeting of the Committee of Observation for Balti-
more County
14 April 1776 P. M.
Present Saml Purviance Chairman
William Lux Vice Chairman
John Smith, W. Buchanan, T. Harrison, J. Boyd,
B. Nicholson, J. Sterrett, J. Calhoun