Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Capt John Day Scott seventy two Pounds seventeen Shillings,
the Ballance of his general Account to the 3d Instant.
Commissions issued to Robert Hitch appointed Captain,
Jacob Bell first Lieutenant, Thomas Humphreys second Lieu-
tenant and George Tull Ensign of a Company of Militia in
Somerset County, belonging to the first Battalion of this
Also to Joseph Maccubbin appointed first Lieutenant, Joshua
Cromwell second Lieutenant and Benjamin Wright Ensign of
a Company of Militia in Ann Arundel County belonging to
the seventh Battalion.
Adjourned till next Day 10 O'Clock.
C. S. J.
[Council to Hindman.]
To Captain James Hindman
We shall stnd the Arms and Ammunition to Chester Town
to-morrow or the Day following, with Directions to Messrs
Smith and Hands, who are now there to distribute them
agreeable to our Instructions and to see that no Preference is
given thereon.
11th Apl 1776
C. S. C.
No. 114.
[Dashiell to Council]
Gentlemen. April 11th 1776.
I took the Liberty some time since, of informing you of a
company of Militia, in the first batallion in this province, being
dissatisfied with the appointment of their Commissioned
officers, whereupon the Captain George Wails resigned his
commission and the Company reelected by ballot, their officers
a Certificate of which was transmited to the Council, but in
answer I was informed that the Council did not think it regu-
lar, to issue new commissions until those issued by convention
were returned to them, I begg leave to inform you, that upon
Capt Wails'es Resignation he delivered me his Commission,
and that I have by some means or other misplaced it, and
have not been able to lay my hands on it since, but as Mr
Wails is not in possession of the Commission Issued by con-
vention I hope its not being returned to the Council will be no
obsticle to their issuing a new one for the Gentleman, who
was returned in Certificate. Mr Wilson who was appointed
ensign to that Company, has likewise resigned whose com-
mission Ive Inclosed. I have the Honor to be Gentlemen,
Your Most obedt Humble Servt George Dashiell.